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HomeBlogThe Curious Case of 119487-76-2: Unveiling the Hidden Chemistry Behind the Code

The Curious Case of 119487-76-2: Unveiling the Hidden Chemistry Behind the Code


Have you ever stumbled upon a seemingly random string of numbers and letters like “119487-76-2” and wondered, “What on earth does that even mean?” You’re not alone! For many, these codes might seem like gibberish, but they carry enormous significance, especially in the scientific community. Chemical compounds, complex molecules, and a vast array of substances. Are often identified by such seemingly mundane codes. In this article, we’ll embark on a journey to uncover the secrets behind -76-2. From its chemical structure to its practical applications, we’ll explore everything you never knew you wanted to know about this compound. So, buckle up and get ready for an adventure into the world of chemistry!

What Exactly is 119487-76-2?

Alright, let’s get down to brass tacks. Isn’t just a random assortment of digits—it’s a specific identifier for a chemical compound, registered under the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) number. For those unacquainted with the term, a CAS number is a unique numerical identifier assigned to every chemical substance described in open scientific literature. Think of it as a fingerprint for chemicals, ensuring that no two compounds get mixed up in the vast world of science.

So, what compound is 119487-76-2? The answer lies in its chemical name: 5-(5-bromo-2-thienyl)-4-(4-fluorophenyl)-1-(2-methoxyphenyl)-1H-pyrazole-3-carbonitrile. Quite a mouthful, isn’t it? But don’t worry—we’ll break it down and explore why this particular compound is more interesting than you might initially think.

The Chemical Structure: More Than Just a Formula

To understand why  matters, we’ve got to dive into its chemical structure. Picture this: at the heart of this compound lies a pyrazole ring—a five-membered ring consisting of three carbon atoms and two nitrogen atoms. Attached to this ring are various functional groups, each contributing to the compound’s unique properties.

Key Functional Groups in 119487-76-2

  • Bromo-thienyl group: This group introduces a bromine atom into the compound, contributing to its reactivity and overall stability.
  • Fluorophenyl group: The presence of a fluorine atom on a phenyl ring alters the compound’s electronegativity, influencing its interactions with other molecules.
  • Methoxyphenyl group: This functional group adds a touch of solubility to the compound, making it more adaptable in various solvents.

Why These Groups Matter

Each of these groups plays a critical role in determining the behavior of 119487-76-2. For instance, the bromo-thienyl group can enhance the compound’s ability to participate in certain chemical reactions, while the fluorophenyl group can affect how the compound interacts with biological systems. Together, they create a molecule with a unique set of characteristics, making a compound of interest in both research and industrial applications.

The Applications: Where Does 119487-76-2 Fit In?

Now that we’ve tackled the chemistry, you might be wondering, “What’s the point of all this?” Well, 119487-76-2 isn’t just sitting on a shelf collecting dust. It has some pretty exciting applications, particularly in the fields of pharmaceuticals and materials science.

Pharmaceuticals: A Promising Candidate

One of the primary areas where has shown potential is in drug development. Due to its unique structure, this compound has been explored for its potential as a building block in creating new therapeutic agents. The presence of the pyrazole ring, along with the other functional groups, provides a scaffold that can be modified to target specific biological pathways.

Materials Science: Building the Future

Beyond pharmaceuticals, 119487-76-2 also finds its place in materials science. Its unique chemical properties make it a candidate for developing new materials with specific characteristics, such as improved conductivity, flexibility, or durability. Researchers are continually exploring how this compound can be integrated into advanced materials, potentially leading to breakthroughs in technology and manufacturing.

The Science Behind the Scenes

Alright, so we’ve covered the structure and applications of but what about the science that goes into studying this compound? It’s a lot more hands-on than you might think!

Synthesis: The Art of Creation

Creating 119487-76-2 in the lab isn’t just a matter of mixing a few chemicals together and hoping for the best. It requires a series of carefully controlled reactions, each step designed to add or modify a specific part of the molecule. Typically, the synthesis process involves:

  1. Starting with a core structure: Researchers begin with a basic pyrazole ring and gradually introduce the functional groups that define.
  2. Controlled reactions: By carefully adjusting reaction conditions—like temperature, pressure, and solvent—chemists can guide the formation of specific bonds and avoid unwanted byproducts.
  3. Purification: After synthesis, the compound needs to be purified to ensure that it’s free from impurities. This step often involves techniques like crystallization or chromatography.

Analytical Techniques: Confirming Identity

Once synthesized, how do scientists confirm that they’ve actually created 119487-76-2 and not some other compound? This is where analytical techniques come into play:

  • NMR Spectroscopy: This technique helps identify the different atoms in the compound and how they’re connected.
  • Mass Spectrometry: By measuring the mass of the compound, researchers can confirm its molecular weight and, by extension, its identity.
  • Infrared Spectroscopy: This technique provides insights into the functional groups present in the molecule, confirming that the synthesis went as planned.

FAQs About 

You’ve made it this far, but you might still have some burning questions about 119487-76-2. Let’s tackle a few of the most common ones!

1. Why is 119487-762 important?

119487-762 is important because it serves as a versatile compound in both pharmaceutical research and materials science. Its unique structure makes it a candidate for drug development and the creation of advanced materials.

2. Is 119487-762 used in any commercial products?

As of now, 119487-762 is primarily used in research settings. However, its potential applications in drug development and materials science suggest that it could find its way into commercial products in the future.

3. How is 119487-762 synthesized?

119487-76-2 is synthesized through a series of controlled chemical reactions. Starting with a pyrazole ring and gradually introducing functional groups like bromo-thienyl fluorophenyl and methoxyphenyl groups.

4. What safety precautions are needed when handling 119487-76-2?

As with any chemical compound, it’s essential to handle 119487-76-2 with care. Proper lab attire, including gloves and goggles, should be worn, and the compound should be used in a well-ventilated area or under a fume hood.

5. Where can I learn more about -76-2?

For more detailed information, scientific journals and databases like PubChem or the Chemical Abstracts Service are excellent resources. They provide comprehensive data on the compound’s properties, synthesis methods, and potential applications.


Who knew that a string of numbers like 119487-76-2 could lead to such a fascinating exploration? From its chemical structure to its real-world applications, this compound exemplifies the complexity and beauty of chemistry. Whether you’re a scientist, a student, or just someone curious about the world around you, 119487-76-2 offers a glimpse into the intricate dance of atoms and molecules that shape our reality. As research continues, who knows what new discoveries 119487-76-2 will lead to? One thing’s for sure—this is one chemical code that’s worth remembering!



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